Dark Matter
It’s ok? What I would give to you if you had never read science fiction before I guess? Really, I think this book is fine, but nothing super special. People seem to like it, but I think for the same reason people like The Big Bang Theory. It’s easy enough to understand, fun, but not too demanding.
I’m not going to say it’s bad, but with so many options out there, especially for science fiction, I would go elsewhere. For a book and author that have been so highly touted, I found that this type of story had been done better on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It’s a multiverse story that I’ve seen before, with pretty boring characters and obvious twists. Also, there’s no significant role for dark matter! It’s a multiverse story, not a dark matter story! So it even leans into the fiction part of science fiction, rather than the science part.
Overall, I would say read this if you’re out of science fiction books to read, or want something that’s a perfect 5/10. Not offensive, but not memorable.